Charoite Highest Grade Super Rare Necklace (Russia)
Charoite Highest Grade Super Rare Necklace (Russia)
Charoite, also known as lilac stone, is a rare potassium, barium, calcium strontium, sodium, hydrogen-rich silicate mineral. This crystal was discovered in the late 1940's and was named after the Chara River in Eastern Siberia, Russia. This is one of the very few stones that at first glance, may seem heat-treated or dyed. It's nearly impossible to fake the natural violet waves of Charoite, so have no fear when purchasing this stone! Charoite is a breathtaking multidimensional stone that activates the entire chakra column. It connects and assists with other realms, deities and entities. Charoite instantly activates the pineal gland and allows for a big development of trans dimensional vision. It also is very protective of the aura and protects from spiritual nasties - Charoite provides a cloak of protection around the entire auric field, allowing only positive energy to pierce and penetrate the soul. When one is in this "safe space" mental capacity should feel widely expanded and the emotional body in a serene state. Charoite brings in love and universal love, power, mental clarity, and brain power. It is deeply transformative and oozes in spiritual strength and unconditional love. 🖤